There are millions of Americans who suffer from chronic pain and/or chronic fatigue. If you are one of them, exercise is very likely the best solution to improve, or better manage, your symptoms. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to do all of your normal daily activities and not…
Last week we talked about poison ivy and some of the ways that you can be exposed to it. This week, we’ll talk about how to prevent a poison ivy rash, and how to treat it once you have it. How can you prevent a poison ivy rash? Avoid the…
We may not typically think of poison ivy this time of year. It really seems like more of a summer worry. However, it’s the time in which we are usually doing a lot of yard clean up. You can be exposed to poison ivy raking leaves, picking up brush, stacking…
Last week, public health officials urged Americans to get their flu shot early this year. Let’s talk about the reason for the warning, and whether you should get a flu shot. You may not realize that influenza viruses are constantly mutating and changing. Because of this, the strain of influenza…
Recently four major health organizations came together to support the first-ever consensus recommendation about healthy drinks for kids. There are so many drinks available in stores these days, and many of them are advertised as kid’s drinks. Unfortunately, many drinks that are advertised for kids are not actually healthy for…
Last week, we talked about the symptoms and causes of gout. This week, we’ll talk about the diagnosis and treatment of gout, including dietary changes. My husband has had gout for many years, so I am very familiar with the dietary triggers for gout flares! If you have symptoms, how…
Gout is a complex form of arthritis. It typically causes sudden, severe attacks of pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness in the joints. The most common joint affected is the base of the big toe. Most patients will have episodic flares, with little or no symptoms between flares. There are ways…
Last week we talked about osteoporosis, including risk factors and complications. This week, I wanted to talk about things that you can do to try to prevent osteoporosis. We will also talk about ways that it can be treated, if it does develop, in order to decrease the risk of…
Osteoporosis is a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile as a result of loss of tissue. This is typically a result of hormonal changes, or deficiency of calcium or vitamin D. The complications of osteoporosis, including hip fractures and spinal fractures, can cause significant disability. We’ll…
Last week, we talked about migraine headache symptoms and possible triggers. This week we’ll talk about how the diagnosis is made, and what treatment options are available. How does your doctor make the diagnosis of migraine? The first thing your doctor will do is get a good description of your…