A migraine is a specific type of headache that can cause severe, throbbing pain, often on one side of the head. Approximately 18 percent of women and 6 percent of men in the United States have migraine headaches. Migraine headaches can last anywhere from hours to days. The pain can…
Last week we talked about the different causes of food poisoning, and the symptoms they cause. This week I wanted to talk about how to keep yourself safe and prevent food poisoning. You have probably heard the basic rule which says to keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. …
This is the time of year when we like to picnic and cook and eat outside. I thought we should talk about germs and illnesses that might come from food, especially if food is not cooked or stored correctly. There are many different germs that can contaminate foods. In fact,…
From last week’s Health Tip, you should all know how important it is to protect your skin from the sun. Unfortunately, there are times when we still might end up with a sunburn, despite our best efforts. It is important to know how to treat a sunburn correctly. Here are…
Protect Your Skin from the Summer Sun This is the time of year for outdoor activities. I know that I have really been looking forward to the warm summer sun throughout the long New England winter. Whether it’s a backyard cook out, or a day at the lake or beach,…
In the last few years, we have been learning more about certain carbohydrates that can cause gastrointestinal distress. There have now been reputable studies to show that about 75% of patients with irritable bowel syndrome get significant relief from their symptoms almost immediately after starting a low FODMAP diet. In…
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common condition that affects the large intestine. It causes a mix of abdominal symptoms, including pain. It can sometimes cause significant symptoms, but is not associated with any evidence of underlying damage in the colon. There are three types of IBS;…
According to a recent study, there is a simple test to predict your risk of premature death, including death from heart disease, cancer, and other causes as well. See if you can climb four flights of stairs in under a minute, without having to stop. This study measured the exercise…
Last week we talked about the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This week I thought we could focus on screening and diagnosis. Unfortunately, there is no specific medical test to diagnose ASD, so the diagnosis can sometimes be difficult. Doctors must look at many features of a child’s behavior…
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a disorder related to brain development which causes problems with behavior and the ability to communicate or interact with other people. The word spectrum indicates that there is a wide variation in both the type and the severity of symptoms that different people experience. Although…