Contact dermatitis is a rash caused by direct contact with a substance that either irritates the skin or causes an allergic reaction within the skin. Although the rash is not life-threatening, it can be very uncomfortable. Many different substances can cause contact dermatitis as we will talk about below. Recently,…
Salt is a normal part of most American’s daily lives. It is used in cooking to enhance flavor and appearance, preserving foods and meats, and found naturally in foods. Salt is a mineral comprised of sodium and chlorine, which are both essential for different functions in the body. Sodium is…
Last week, the CDC updated its list of who is at highest risk for severe complications associated with COVID-19. In addition, the number of cases in the U.S. has increased dramatically within the past two weeks. Everyone needs to understand that this pandemic is far from over, and we need…
Maybe you’ve heard of the Mediterranean Diet and you want to know more? In the 1960s, researchers noticed that there were significantly fewer deaths from heart disease in Mediterranean countries than in the U.S. and northern Europe. One of the more likely causes for this inequality is the difference in…
Last time we talked about the guidelines regarding alcohol consumption. This week we’ll focus on the adverse health consequences of excessive alcohol use. Remember that moderate alcohol consumption is considered one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men. Light to moderate alcohol consumption is considered…
People drink alcohol to celebrate occasions, socialize, and for many other reasons. In this time of quarantine and stay-at-home orders, many people have been drinking more alcohol than they usually do, and maybe more than they should. While drinking alcohol is itself not necessarily a problem, too much alcohol consumption…
Have you recently heard about Kawasaki Disease? Have you heard about certain children getting very sick with COVID 19? Let me explain a little about these illnesses: Kawasaki disease (KD) known for > 50 years and the new Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) related to COVID19. On April 26th…
Do you struggle with chronic pain, GI complications, depression, fatigue or other symptoms? These things could be related to chronic inflammation. The foods you eat in your diet can help lower inflammation. Let’s talk about how this works and why it is important. What is Inflammation? Inflammation is one of…
As some states start lifting restrictions and reopening businesses, it may seem like the threat from COVID-19 is past us. Unfortunately, that is far from true. The latest models predict significant increases in cases over the next couple of months. We all need to continue to do what we can…
How many of you are feeling that your children are having a hard time coping with all of this time inside your home? Are you struggling trying to find time for home-schooling, work, cooking, cleaning, having fun, and resting? Are your children acting up more than usual? If you answered…