Of course being hungry is not a disease, but overeating and excessive weight is clearly a risk to health. Controlling one’s appetite and managing food intake seems to be particularly difficult during the holiday season. According to the National Institutes of Health, Americans gain an average of one pound during…
In medicine, there is a saying that “common things are common”, meaning that most conditions seen by doctors are not obscure, nor is the manner in which they present themselves. On occasion, however, illnesses present in unusual ways and it is up to the doctor (with the help of informed…
Hip and knee joint replacement is a procedure that has been performed on millions of Americans since it was introduced around 40 years ago. In most cases, joint replacement is performed because of arthritis. The common feature of the various types of arthritis is that cartilage on the joint surfaces…
A while back, the Occupy Movement voiced its concern for the 99% of Americans who were not among the top 1% of income earners. There is another 99% (or 98.8% to be exact), however, who may be in a considerably worse position. This is the group of Americans who fail…
The role of inflammation in the genesis of cancer is a complex and seemingly paradoxical issue. As mentioned in last week’s health tip, inflammation is part of a process that helps the body remove damaged cells, irritants or germs following injury, exposure or infection. Cancer cells generally fall into the…
Recently, I ran across a method of classifying foods based on their potential to cause inflammation in the body. The significance of this is that inflammation is thought to be the underlying cause for a number of illnesses including diabetes, coronary artery disease, as well as several types of cancer….
Occasionally, medical complaints can be so vague or bizarre that it inhibits those suffering such symptoms from reporting them to their doctors. Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is such a disorder. RLS is neurological condition that is characterized by unpleasant sensations in the legs, and an uncontrollable urge to move the…
It is estimated that each year, one out of three adults over the age of 65 is involved in an unintentional fall. To understand the seriousness of this, here are a few statistics from the Centers for Disease Control: Among older adults, falls are the leading cause of injury related…
If you have expired, unused, or unneeded drugs in the house, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) wants to make it easier for you to dispose of them. Saturday, September 29th has been designated as National Drug Take-Back Day and sites throughout the United States have been designated to take your…
Following the abuse a summer’s worth of sun can deliver to the skin, now is a good time to review the features of a common skin condition related to ultraviolet exposure, actinic keratosis (AK). This is particularly important since AKs are considered to be pre-cancerous with a certain percentage of…