Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) refers to the backflow of stomach acid up the esophagus and into the larynx (voice box) or the pharynx (throat). It is sometimes called silent reflux because, unlike typical gastroesophageal reflux, LPR can occur without heartburn or indigestion. This is because the stomach acid does not stay…
The common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory system. On average, children have six to eight colds per year, and adults have two to four. The common cold places a heavy burden on society, accounting for approximately 40% of time taken off work and millions of days…
The choice of the best athletic shoe hinges on a number of factors, including the chosen activity, a person’s body structure, and cost. For a large percentage of regular exercisers, the activities engaged in will be walking, running, or court sports. As one would expect, shoe manufacturers have developed specific…
What did Catherine the Great, Benjamin Franklin, and Elvis Presley have in common? Each of them is believed to have suffered from pleurisy. In all likelihood, some of you have had this painful condition also. The word “pleurisy” comes from a Greek word that refers to the “side of the…
Oftentimes doctors know the answer to their patient’s question right off the top of their head. However, sometimes a question can require a little more digging to uncover the correct answer or information that a patient needs. With a wealth of authoritative medical information available at our finger tips, it…
Many ear infections cause earache, but not all earaches are caused by an infection. This is an important distinction, since antibiotics are often needed to treat ear infections, but are not required for earaches that are not caused by an infection, or even for certain types of ear infection. Let’s…
Vitamin D is required by the body for the regulation of the minerals calcium and phosphorus and also plays an important role in maintaining bone integrity. Vitamin D is found in relatively few foods, many of which are not eaten commonly, such as herring, sardines, and tuna. Beef liver, cheese,…
Lymph nodes, sometimes referred to as lymph “glands”, are part of the body’s lymphatic system. The lymphatic system consists of a system of conduits and organized collections of lymphoid tissue that include nodes, the tonsils, and the spleen. Coursing through these channels is liquid called lymph that eventually drains into…
Bruises are one of the most common, and fortunately, least serious injuries that many of us experience. A bruise, which in medical jargon is known as a contusion, occurs when a blunt impact damages the tiny blood vessels beneath the skin. Various substances in blood are responsible for the color…