Domestic Violence Prevention

By November 4, 2022Health Tips

We recently talked about domestic violence, also called intimate partner violence, and the significant costs associated with it. Today we’ll talk about some things you can do to help prevent domestic violence.

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is preventable!
One of the important ways you can help to stop IPV is to recognize it. To recognize it, you need to know the signs. Sometimes violence begins early in a relationship but other times it develops over months or even years. It is important for women to be taught to recognize the early warning signs in a relationship. It is also important for a bystander to recognize it in order to help friends or loved ones.
Domestic Violence AwarenessWhat are the warning signs of IPV?
Be wary if your partner exhibits any of these signs at any point in a relationship:
  • Being jealous of your friends or time spent away from your partner
  • Discouraging you from spending time with your friends or family
  • Embarrassing you or shaming you
  • Controlling your financial decisions or your access to money
  • Blaming you for all the problems in the relationship
  • Blaming you or others for their problems
  • Preventing you from working
  • Intentionally damaging your property
  • Intimidating you physically, especially with weapons
  • Threatening violence against you, a loved one, or a pet to gain compliance
  • Pressuring you to have sex when you don’t want to
What are some ways that you can prevent or stop IPV locally?
  • Don’t ignore it – If you hear or see a violent or potentially violent situation, call the police. You could save a life!
  • Listen – If someone ever confides in you about domestic violence, listen without judgement. Ask how you can help.
  • Be available – Be ready to help if someone you know is thinking about leaving or is in fear that the violence will escalate. Keep your phone with you. Discuss an escape plan or meeting place ahead of time.
  • Know the number to a nearby shelter – You never know who might need refuge in a hurry.
  • Check in with friends and loved ones regularly – Especially if you know they are in danger.
  • Be a resource – Those experiencing IPV may not be able to research shelters, buy a cell phone, or do other critical planning while living with their abuser. Offer to help them do these tasks and keep things confidential!
  • Write it down – If you witness any violence, you should document every episode, including all details such as date, time, location, injuries, circumstances, etc. This information could be critical in later court cases.
  • Raise awareness – Assist local organizations in their efforts to raise awareness in your community. Organize talks at your local church, community groups, wellness fairs, etc.
  • Use the power of the purse – Refuse to support music, television programs, games, etc., that glorify violence, especially violence against women.
  • Support charitable organizations that focus on preventing violence.
If you have any questions about domestic violence prevention, please log into your account and send us your question. We are here to help.

Dr. Anita Bennett MD – Health Tip Content Editor

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